Atomic & Molecular Physics
Wade Rellergert, Ph.D.
Ultracold Atom Imaging and Thermometry
  Our group at UCLA is attempting to produce samples of ultracold molecular ions in their absolute ground quantum state. Such samples, which have so far eluded physicists, have wide ranging applications including quantum computation and information. Our production method uses ultracold laser-cooled atoms in a magneto-optical trap to cool co-trapped molecular ions. An important diagnostic in this work is the ability to measure the temperature of a cloud of ultracold atoms by measuring how quickly the cloud expands when the trap is turned off. The REU student will help us extend our current measurement capabilities by setting up a real time temperature measurement using absorption imaging. The student will learn methods of data acquisition and analysis using LabVIEW as well as an understanding of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics techniques.